Fluff and Toenails: Mainstream Media, Indie Opinion

Above all of the fluff and the toenails floats a melody, some rhythms, flickering pictures, a sensation to be had. Capture it in your computer, buy it on your high street or cram it in your senses from hijacked radio waves. Our subject is everywhere so let us pick at it like a favourite scab.

Monday will find me blogging on TV, Thursday on Film and the Weekends on Music.

Friday 31 December 2010

A Boiler Plate Films of The Year List

Roll up roll up for my uninformed misguided opinion on the top five movies of 2010. Having written down my list I then checked out the usual Internet suspects and found to my horror that my list is as uniform as a well-oiled Korean sardine marching regiment. So whilst I have essentially nothing new to add I felt the blog would be somewhat incomplete without the cardinal end of year list. I wont be including much of a synopsis of any of the films because quite frankly you must have been living on another planet (intriguing) or you have been walking around with your fingers in your ears and your thumbs in your eyes (nut job).

Number Five: - Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, 7/10

Are there problems with this film? Yes, there are many but it had something that loads of films this year lacked. An overriding sense of fun. Giddy teenage geeky fun. Enjoyment was further enhanced when I spotted an opportunity for a drinking game to lubricate your passage past the final two evil ex’s (as the film does start to lag a bit by this point). As with all good drinking games the rules are simple: Make sure all players have some lemonade in their glass; Turn on the Film; at each point that a film/video game/TV show is referenced shout out the film/game/TV from which the reference comes; You are the winner well done, your friends must now take a drink. Make sure you have a bucket handy as the references come thick and fast from word go.

Number Four: - Shutter Island, 7/10

Shutter Island is a Martin Scorsese film that somewhat suprisingly, like the film above has a great sense of fun about it. What made this film stand out for me was the strength of the narrative which was almost classical in its approach. That is to say it was a real driven story that didn’t dally for a moment and only ever moved forward. The film was critisised by some reviewers for being as subtle as a brick sculpture of a brick with the word BRICK printed across it a point reinforced by the retro thriller soundtrack. However for me it was the lack of subtlty and straightforwardness that charmed me that was until the last scene which was like being struck round the head by the aforementioned sculpture.

Number Three: The Social Network, 7/10

I reviewed this here http://fluffandtoenails.blogspot.com/2010/10/social-network-710.html I liked it. A LOT. Once your brain adapts to the kamakasi speed of diaologue the film is quick witted and an excellent example of characters carrying a film. Jessie Eisenberg will go on to even better things and I look forward to seeing this film again to catch the wittisisms that whizzed by in the whirl pool of words the first time.

Number Two: - Inception, 8/10

It is a Christopher Nolan film, need I say more…Evidently I should…Will I…No I don’t think so… You can still see inception at some Cinemas if you havn’t yet been go.

Number One: Toy Story Three, 9/10

I saw this in San-Francisco on the day that I was flying out to Sydney and I don’t know if it was lack of sleep, the thought of a 17 hour flight or that I am a big girls blouse (lets here it for 1970s homophobia!) but I found my self getting quite emotional. Not once, a well fained sneeze could have masked that. Not twice, “ooh there is something in my eye,” might have covered that. Three times: “I know she doesn’t look like she would but that girl just kicked me in the knackers.” Four times: “Ok It’s the film, I’m crying at the film. I know it’s a cartoon. What are you doing? No don’t text my dad. And what are YOU laughing at little girl, I’ll give you something to cry about!”

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